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Welcome to the digital world my friends. Where creatures of all shapes and sizes and roaming around just waiting to sit on your face. Haha. What a glorious place to be.

This comic has no exact schedule. And will release as I find time to do each page. I hope you enjoy. Chu~

Early Release to Patrons ($20 on 8/16/2020, $15 on 8/23/2020, $10 on 8/30/2020, $5 on 12/31/2020)




'Happy birthday Impmon, now have some cake.' 'It's- Not my birthday or anything like that you rascally reptile!' 'Rascally? As in to imply we're foolin' around? Hehehe?' *Extreme Impmon Blush* 'GET... OFFA MEEE!!!!'

Fenekku Kitsune

Hah~ Is Impmon the MC here? Lovely Guilmon booty and balls~ defo something nice to wake up to :P


Is Impmon going to get teabag?