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Seems Gluttony just can't keep himself in check with their get together. Likely very lonely. Tai making an effort to enact some dominance over the large tanuki.

Tai has the ability "Max Defense". An ability that negates damage to it's user when he's paying attention enough to activate it. In this case, Tai can potentially use it to deliver a firm spank on Gluttony's huge backside. It has many uses, so it's a wonder he's still a bronze rank.

And seems Gluttony is getting a bit hot down low~

Early Release to Patrons ($20 on 6/15/2020, $15 on 6/22/2020, $10 on 6/29/2020, $5 on 7/6/2020)




Look at Tai getting all Smug and in there! That face in the first panel oh shit. Giving Gluttony some word 'o mouth, you can imagine the little git with a tophat and a whip and a red coat! x3 'Back, back I say!' And to think that torpedos gonna fit right in that teeny booty shaft? I think Gluts gonna have more than just Tai on his bed! More like he's gonna have glut seed all over and in him!

Gustavo Santarsiere Etchebehere

Negate pain and damage? He will need his powers to make him indestructible, specially from the inside!