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Sloth makes her move! Nuzzling up against Sam. The two having been apart so long. With greetings out of the way, Sloth breaks down why Sam is at the counter without him needing to say much. Something he's likely use to by now. His two buddies stand by as Sloth and Sam chat about his quest.

Early Release to Patrons ($20 on 3/23/2020, $15 on 3/30/2020, $10 on 4/6/2020, $5 on 4/13/2020)



Fenekku Kitsune

She definitely is a sleeping beauty! Also, do I sense maybe a romance between Sloth and Sam, hm~?


just realized (Distracting by Her beauty), That Breast OwO.


Did you ever see the "Eveeloutions" comic kuro did before he had to stop?


Soooooo hoping for a tail - Gluttony or Sam - Gluttony scene♡♡


I dunno how much time was supposed to have passed between comics, but anyone else a bit disappointed Sloth isn't pregnant?


You have to know this is not the Pokemon Comic that had to be cancelled. It's a new series. We have to see how things might turn out ;)