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Heya all! Kuro here.

Firstly I must say here that if you do not have a character, but have met the reward amount to get an intro page I cannot reward you unless I have a full body reference of your character. I will not draw additional limbs on characters like multiple penises and heads and will modify any character to fit the universe of my comics to the best of my ability.

Also, it goes without saying that you must own the character you request as your reward. I will not design a character for you and will not modify someone's already existing character for you.

I apologize for any inconveniences for those expecting a stream today. You're all awesome, and I look forward to drawing each of your characters when the time comes. Chu~


Papa Ikari

Love you Kuro~

Rose Lapin

Hey Kuro, I was wnodering, I don't see my name on the list you posted a while ago, was just curious on what my current total was. I know I'm not at 500 yet but I just wanna gauge how close I am at this point.

Gustavo Santarsiere Etchebehere

About these pages, I have a question: The last page was number 8. I browsed the ends of you patreon page and found the 7th one, but not the other 6. Where are they? Did they featured pokemon and were deleted or what alse? Also, where can I find them? I would love to check them out.


That's right. Most of them were pokemon based and had to be removed. However all of them can be found here! http://www.furaffinity.net/view/30126394 Just use the "Next" button in the description x3


Heya! You're currently at $305, but I'll go ahead and put you on the list as "Not Yet met" x3


I’m just curious about these questions. Can it be pure clean? (Without the nudes parts As an optional for example, non sexy Pose) Does the character can be a feral robot/Cyborg animal? Or half Robot/Cyborg, Half organic? Would it be Denied If there’s too much Complex Detail or if the Selected character is hard to draw? (Too much colors,Patterns,etc) Does it have to be in a comic form? Can the character have Accessories? If so, can lightened accessories have light effects? Also how about Explicit accessories? Can the character wear some or full clothes? (Despite being a feral animal) Can the character be creepy? if so, what are limitations? (Like the level of creepiness, Features, etc) Does the character well be the Exactly style like if it was one of yours? (Like the eyes, paws pad, sexy fat butt, sexy Curved line,etc) Does that mean the character well not have more then one tail? Assuming only My own character because due to fear of copyright infringement or to Respect other people character, how about we want more of your characters? (Like New Position of character) When I finally reaching the goal, do I have limited time to select or have my character ready? This might not likely happened but, Do I get notified if the character in question is somehow Offensive or Not Appropriate in someway? (Example:Character looking too young, offensive Patterns,character Resemble like Existing real Person but in animal form,etc) Can the character be Handicap? (Missing some Limbs Example) Sorry for so many questions, and there might be more if I can remember.


What amount am I at?


The image will be lewd. If part cyborg as long as the details aren't overblown or very complex I won't modify them. Yes. Yes comic form, that's what the reward is. Accessories can and will be excluded. Character's accessories and clothing will be spoken about as it comes up. I draw in my own style, so yes. Multiple tails are fine so long as it isn't too complex to draw. You cannot request characters of my own for your rewards. You can take as much time as you like to come up with a character you'd like as a reward. Characters will be modified to suit the comic as needed. If anything comes up I will let the owner of the character know. If a character is handicap I will examine how comfortable I feel with drawing them and speak with the Patron.