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Heya guys! Kuro here.

Just a quick update on when to expect streams of Patreon rewards.

As mentioned last time, I wanted to progress Legendary Tail to a good stopping point for part 1 before proceeding. There's one more page left, being posted this coming Friday, January 24th.

After that point I'll be free to stream your rewards! I'll most often times stream over weekends. Saturday and Sunday. And if time allows, on certain weekdays.

Thank you so much for reading! I look forward to getting these completed! Chu~


Ebner Lopez

Hello there! I'd like to ask if the other "version" of Legendary Tail with Lucario & Lugia will be ever continued? Or is it just gonna be discontinued until further notice? Please keep up the good work as usual!


Heya! At pressent it's paused. I'm planning to write a scene with Lugia in the later future, but as far as the previous comic with Lugia x Lucario, I'm uncertain if it'll resume. I hope that helps!