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Good morning guys! Kuro here!

Man it's early in the morning! Haha. But anyways, as the title of this post states, I have Jury duty today. Now, with the way they keep you held up in a stuffy courtroom building for hours on end, I could be in there for a solid day till around 5pm EST. I usually post the comic around 6pm EST, so there's a bit of a clash of scheduling.

As things stand, the comic page is basically done and waiting for posting later. I just need to put the dialogue on the page. So it'll be a tiny delay at best. Just giving you guys a heads up just incase I'm things seem to be taking a while.

Thanks for reading! I'll be sure to update you on things later today if the delay persists~ Chu~

UPDATE: At 11am I returned home and have to call them up tonight to find out my scheduled time. The comic page will be on time. c:



Have fun with that ^^


Take your time :3


cant rush perfection


Remember, if anyone questions your decision you just tell them you're a professional. You make a living from fictional animals having buttsex.


You can't rush perfection but you can rush some butt play. I am excited see to see who cums first Sam or Wrath.