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EDIT: After seeing Theseus get reviewed on the stream (I clipped it here!), and agreeing with the feedback, I made some quick edits and toggled off the shield for some alt pages without it!

It's been a long, hard week and then some of work, but at last, my submission for the Adeptus Ridiculous art contest for fanmade Imperial Knight Freeblades is complete! Sander was already halfway there, so he was an easy import  XD

His Dominus class Knight on the other hand...it's been a LONG time since I got to cut loose like this, and I enjoyed every moment of it. I really poured everything I enjoy into this, so I hope it does well!

As far as lore goes, Sander in this setting was a noble that went Freeblade in pursuit of more knowledge and technology, eventually hooking up with an Explorator Fleet from Lucius, hence the iconography. Bolting on new stuff along the way, from a Skyreaper Autocannon to replace his missiles, a power fist and battle wrench to replace his Volcano cannon, and even a rare pair  of twin linked Volkites to replace his meltas, his Knight became a walking Ship of Theseus, until the Fleet did what all Explorator fleets inevitably do, and poked a tomb world till it woke up.

Falling through a necron portal (or possibly due to interference from his own Lucian teleporter tech) in the ensuing apocalypse left Sander, and Theseus stranded in the ass end of nowhere, and now he continues his quest as a hitch-hiking Knight for hire, probably with Rogue Traders and the like, idk.

Aand that's about it! I did my best to do a lot of research on gear sizes and believable tech modifications, thanks largely to discovering Taro Modelmaker's FANTASTIC line of Knight mod pieces, so I hope this isn't too heretical lmao.

Hope you all like it, and enjoy all the extra WIP shots I've included too! It's rare I do a project big enough for this, so that was  really interesting to do too!




Praise the Emperor!!