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Well, this was certainly a hell of a ride to work on, lol

Did this piece wayyyy back in April, and it was definitely one with a bit of story behind it, since it was technically the first and last time I agreed to take on extra work aside from my Patreon stuff. 

Long story short, great patron, but he didn't manage to snag a $100 slot, so instead he offered to pay extra, with no real deadline, I could work on it at my leisure.

Which sounded great to me, extra work meant extra money...until I realized that I was already overloaded as is from the patreon work I already had to do every month, haha quq

So instead, I decided to double down super hard in March, and not only do my patreon stuff, but this absolutely massive set too. I do worry I ran into some constraints due to time, which is why I ended up mirroring their poses...but ultimately I like to think I pulled through!

And that's it for storytime! Hope yall enjoyed these two Mirai Nikki goddesses getting smacked into silly stupefied sluts!



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