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So this was definitely an unexpected patron request! Never really wanted to go anywhere near Undertale characters since...well with the exception of maybe Gaster, basically none of them really appeal to my design sense, and even less appeal to my sense for lewding.

Except of course, Undyne. Who I'll be honest, I always felt would actually be pretty interesting to try someday! I mean, she's ripped as hell, redheaded with a ponytail, extra as fuck AND is a monstergirl with big sharp T E E F

So basically 90% of what I'm about here as yall should know by now :v

Getting this as a patron request was therefore pretty mixed. On the one hand, always was interested in her. On the other, they wanted robotization and, most frustratingly, a super blank and expressionless drone face.

...which if any of you who've been here for a while should know, is probably the exact opposite of what I excel in and really love doing, i.e wacky, crazy, totally silly and expressive/enthusiastic faces.


So normally that would have been the end of the set there on page 7...but I will not be denied, so I made a proper bimbo'd up look for her and tacked it on as page 8. XD

Flows nicely with the 'story' of the sequence too if I'm honest, so there we go!

Other than that, I'm happy to say I was absolutely right and Undyne fit fantastically well with my style, and those are probably some of the best abs I've EVER drawn, god damn. The thick toned thighs, v-string, tanktop and jeans came out great too and I just really loved her colors XD

Anyway, hope yall enjoy, and that I did her justice for all the UT fans in my patron base!





I haven't thought about undertale in years. Not since... the accident... Good sequence regardless, tho! :D