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So, recently I got inspired by Angstrom's ridiculously amazing work on Kanna from Blaster Master Zero.

I've liked her since I bought the game on day one, but sadly I've only done one pic of her to date, just been too busy. But after seeing their absolutely godly beach bimbo pics of her, well god damn I figured it was time for another look!

Well, that and also I really liked the shading they did for it, and since I always had trouble with it, I might as well use this as a chance to observe and practice...and then somehow on top of that I ended up experimenting in greyscale too!

And that was after I decided to go from just a completed bust shot to a full 3/4 body just so I could experiment with midriff and waists, plus trying to learn better how to work thigh muscle definition etc etc etc

As you can tell, it ended up being just one big mess of trying things out and learning in general XD

I'm happy to say though, holy SHIT did it come out better than I ever expected. I'm not even sure what I did to get this, but man I love how the coloring turned out. I'm definitely going to try to use this knowledge for future pics, so here's hoping I can make it a proper part of my art kit 8D

Again, full credit to Angstrom and their amazing work for inspiring this and giving me a chance to practice. Go check them out in the links if you like super huge and thicc girls like Kanna here!



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