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It's almost hard to believe it's been 10 years since the last time I built the Aegis. One of the reasons why i've been putting this one off for so long is again color related, as the the "canon" color can wildly differ depending on whether it's in the anime, lineart or the plastic itself. 

I actually found myself struggling a bit with the build this time even with the foreknowledge of the first time. Several parts like the internals of the knees and the shoulders look damn near identical even though they have different numbers. This isn't like the outer armor where the pegs are clearly in different directions or shaped differently, in some cases I could only tell where some pegs were like 1mm shorter than the other.

I had quite a few instances of scratching, again on the damn tail fin, and I had to do some local touchups with the airbrush. I think I had 10 or so times going back to the booth during the assembly process just for touchups.

Decals wise, I used the officlal set that came with the Providence special edition. These have some of the worded markings in a bit of a dark greyish color that don't really stand out too well, I wished they had these in white instead.

Anyway with this build done I only have the Duel Gundam to go before my GAT-X rebuilds are completed.

Paint mixes

Pink - Struggled a bit with this one and it took a few corrections.

White primer -> Wine Red + Orange + Char's Pink base coat -> Added Yuupa White + Yellow for highlights -> Postshade blend

I wasn't happy at this point so I did another highlight with Char's Pink + bit of Yuupa White -> a postshade using Wine Red + Orange + tiny bit of Char's Pink (more Wine Red than my first attempt).

If I were to do this again I would just use Char's Pink for the highlight instead of messing around with it.

Blue - White primer -> Titan's Blue + Purple + tiny bit of Black preshade -> Starter White -> cover with Titan's Blue + Purple.

Yellow - Pink primer -> Orange preshade -> Orange Yellow coat -> Orange Yellow + GX Yellow + bit of Yuupa White highlight -> postshade blend with Orange Yellow

White - Mr Color 306 preshade -> Mr Color GX White

Metallics - Starbright Iron, SMS Stainless over Gloss black for hands



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