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No.3 for 2024 is in the bag! At this rate I feel I will definitely build more Musume/non-Gundam than Gundams this year, a sad sign of the times we live in :(

I got somewhat inspired by the Luluce reaction video I did recently, plus AI has been bugging me for a while to do this. I'd been previously avoiding this one because of the dark skin tone, but after the success with Sianna I wanted to find out if I could replicate that attempt. I do think she ended up slightly on the orange side, so maybe adding a bit more brown into the skin tone mix might help next time.

I wanted the white to be extra white, so I primed the white parts white (kinda hard to see), then did a preshade with Yuupa white and then just highlighted with Finishers Foundation White. The effect is probably a bit too subtle as the Yuupa white pretty much got wiped out or was not dark enough compared to the Foundation White. I think some brown/tan would be needed next time.

Skin tone

Skin tone = Gaia Flesh Surfacer + Mr Color Orange + very tiny bit of Shine Red + tiny bit of Red Cocoa Brown

Shadow tone = Skin tone + tiny bit of purple

White primer -> spray the shadow tone in shadow areas -> spray the skin tone, more on shadows and less on the highlight areas


White primer -> Mr Color Light Brown + bit of sail color -> add white for highlights -> postshade blend with original color


White primer -> Yuupa white preshade only -> Finishers Foundation White


MS Zeon Grey base coat -> Gaianotes Neutral Grey II highlight


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