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The Demi Barding was yet another impressive entry in the HG WFM line, though this one required a bit more masking that the others. The grey details on the shoulders and chest all required detailing, and I ended up painting those colors in first then used the included stickers to mask them off.

Despite this the total build time was only around 16 hours.

Tan - White Primer, Base coat of Mr Color 352 + Mr Color 321 + bit of Sail Color + bit of Orange.  Yuupa White (Mr Color 311 + Mr Color 316 50/50) added for highlights, then post-shade blend using the base coat

Light tan - white primer, preshade with Sail Color on edges, then Yuupa White + bit of Sail Color for highlights

Frame - Gaianotes Gunmetal

Grey tan - Grey primer, then Neutral Grey + Khaki Green + bit of Hull Red base coat, Yuupa White added for highlights, then postshade blend with original.


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