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This was tied for the longest project of the year at 56 hours due to all the tweaks I had to do to the primary armor. I agonized quite a bit with the color choices and spent probably close to 80AUD on green paints alone so I could experiment and find a shade I liked for this kit.

The only thing I'd say I'm not quite happy about is the yellow. The Forbidden continues the druggies suit trend of looking "not quite right" and the V-fin is supposed to be this lemony-greenish yellow. Painting this kind of color goes against my natural instincts and is a bit of a tough pill for me to swallow.

The red trims on the chest knees and chest need to be masked and was the least enjoyable part of the build.  In a last minute emergency, I lost the crotch part but found it in my garage after some searching, it had fallen off the skewer during the top coat process.

As for some painting notes:

  • insides of shoulders visible
  • insides of ankle guards are visible (I painted mine grey)
  • the red piece of the side skirt pokes out the back of the skrt and is red (painted mine grey)
  • A5 red piece inside the rail guns for the barrel has a small part that pops out through the railgun,
  • Part A17 holds some vent detailing that can be seen
  • F7 is part of the frame and holds the external front knee thruster
  • C2-8 holds the eye mask, head vulcans and side head detail
  • parts of the frame pop out on the side skirts, rear thruster, arm cannons, knee and back of the turtle shell

Primary green - White primer -> Mr Color MS Green + bit of Mr Color 314 Light Blue + GX White base coat, then add white shading, then postshade with original. I felt it was a bit too light bluish so I had to postshade a few times with MS Green. In hindsight I would probably would have left it a slightly more bluish/colder tone.

Green (shields) - White primer -> preshade with Mr Color 605 + MS Deep Green + Aircraft Grey, then cover with Mr Color 605 + Aircraft grey

Dark Green - White primer -> Mr Color 123 + Gaianotes Dark Green preshade, then cover with Mr Color 123 + a bit of Mr Color 15, then post shade with original

Dark Brown - Mr Color GX Ueno Black + Red Brown preshade, then cover with Mr Color GX Ueno Black + extra red brown, then added MS Zeon Grey into the mix for highlight, then postshade with original

Red- White primer -> White primer, preshade with Red Brown + bit of Wine Red, starter yellow technique then MS Red to cover.

Yellow - White primer, Mr Color 113 preshade, then add Mr color 314 bit of GX white for highlights.

Light grey - Neutral grey base coat, then Neutral grey + gx white for highlights highlight, then postshade blend with original

Metallics  - Gaianotes Gunmetal



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