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1) Click on 7 Deadly Bananas profile name or picture in any post. That will bring you to the main page.

2) Go to the pinned post at the top saying WELCOME. The password will be in that post.

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1) Click on 7 Deadly Bananas profile picture to get to the main page.

2) Click the search bar on the right and put in the word BAAGEL (but use one “A” instead of two AA)

This will bring up a post with the password.




Jennifer Lawrence

Personally, I love rewatching shows. I think you notice different things the 2nd (or more even) times through. Plus, you see things from a different perspective once you know more. You may pick up on hints or foreshadowing. I have talked to a few people over the years though who never rewatch things and see no point in doing so/value in it. In some ways, I guess I get that. Especially with such a massive amount of options out there for things to watch. Maybe part of it is being older and remembering the days before streaming/Internet. Where your options were more limited. So you would rewatch something from the handful of VHS tapes you owned more often. Regardless, I get a lot of comfort and enjoyment from watching things I loved. A feeling that just isn't exactly replicated when watching something new. Also, I know I've read complaints here and there from people sick of movies using 80s music and that time setting. Since, it definitely has become popular. Especially after the Guardians movies and Stranger Things. But, I'm the opposite and I'm ABSOLUTELY here for it lol. I'm definitely not sick of it and don't see that happening any time soon.

olly d

ur vids are always something I look forward to a LOT every night but i've been really really sick with covid these past few days so I wanted to say thanks for helping me get thru this isolation of the longest weirdest worst covid case ive had cuz if not i'd go crazy! its nice to have something to look forward to haha. really am glad to be a patron!