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Lets Chat!! We have been going through so much and trying so many things on YT and Patreon, I feel like talking to you folks directly might help. Join me please!


What the hey, lets go live LOL

General chat about where the YT channel and patreon are going and what everyone would like to see more or less of



Canadian here;)


I love understanding how YT and Patreon inform and in some ways compete with each other. It's good information to know to understand the process so thanks for that! GOT is fantasy. It's like Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter. I'd love to see you finish the whole series especially since it seems you're really interested in it and I always think that makes for a better watch, but it's definitely not sci-fi/horror so in a poll where you want to gauge interest in that I'd definitely have a category for that separate from sci-fi/horror and point out GOT specifically. Such a great show (though I'm definitely one of those who just hated that ending because I loved those characters) but I've seen others who felt it was fitting and that's a totally valid take, too. And I definitely have other reactors who make slots based on their interest/patreon or youtube interest and you could do something similar: so like a fantasy slot, a sci-fi slot, a horror slot, a movie slot, an editor's choice slot, a sobery guy slot, a tv series slot, a mystery slot, a comedy/lighter fare slot, tester slot, etc. and so on for whatever it is (obviously not all of these, just examples). That way there's an expectation that everyone's both covered but also understand and focuses the type of content that the channel produces and what people can expect when tuning in. Just a thought!

Tristana Keauna

Will admit, it was a long talk and didn't listen to it all (I kind of have a short attn span, which is why I tend to struggle with youtube anything...if I'm on a patreon it's b/c i'm hyperfocused on something that is going on so - the more here = the better) I can assume that this convo is like many others i've seen.. YT and its copywrite/algorithm is just atrocious anymore. Perhaps i'll get some flack for saying this, especially as for many, it's what they like getting paid to do, but like... F*** the YT algorithm. Anymore it's only there to bring your audience HERE, and if you have an audience HERE it's because they actually want more of whatever direction you're going. I am not a content creator, so I don't know which platform pays you more, but I am all for what makes the content creator happy. Do what brings you the most joy, and the people will follow. They may or may not have money...but they will follow. Hope this makes sense. =)


I follow a variety of reactors and they all have different approaches. Some pause for EVERYTHING - and, I agree, that can be very exhausting and I've stopped videos on YT because of that. Fortunately, I've never had this happen on Patreon with any channel. Then there are those who pause for nothing, like you and Audrey, for example. And that can also somehow break the flow of the video. Either when you as a viewer know that something important/funny is happening, but the reactor doesn't notice because they're speaking, or when you as a viewer perhaps don't know the episode or film yourself and the soundtrack of the video gets lost in the reaction. And then there is the version that I personally prefer. There are one or two pauses when the reactor has something important/longer to say, but on the whole the episode runs through without any major interruptions. Sometimes these pauses are supported by short jumps back so that the viewer - and reactor - doesn't miss anything. This variation is probably something you have to learn by trial and error and is subject to a learning curve. I can see advantages for all of the variations though. Maybe subtitles could be an option if you don't want to pause, so your viewers have both. Your reaction but also still the information from the episode. I actually joined your Patreon because of a Taylor reaction (hard to believe, since I'm no Swifty and until Audrey started with her reactions I had hardly heard any of her songs. Rock in all its flavours is my home). But I'd toyed with the idea a few times before. Actually, ever since Audrey said that you started you own Patreon. I'm not fan of anything horror, though I do watch AHS and TWD, but I love sience fiction. I do like your current catalogue, be it HTGAWM, Heartstopper or Stranger Things, I love them all and have a long way to go to see everything that is already out there. Same with some of the films (Dune, Guardians, RW&RB, Rio... - like I said, I tend to stay away from the horror stuff). And some of the Editor's Choice options look promising as well, should they ever be continued. So wherever the journey may lead, I think I'll be here for a while yet.