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editor note: surprise! i got this one a day early for you :)

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One of the best episodes in television history if you ask me. I cry every time I watch this one and I resonate so much with Rue's behavior although I'm not proud. In all honesty this episode made me feel validated and understood even though I acted out like this because of a different addiction. Seeing Rue and having so much sympathy for her character even though she acts out and is self destructive and hurts people she loves has helped me forgive myself a little.


i was super anxious for you to watch this episode! i knew we'd cry together lol. it's so surreal and scary and sad how real this episode was in so many ways. On a production note, i remember sam levinson said that they filmed this episode in a way to induce anxiety in the viewer and it certainly did that. phenomenal acting by every single person. the part with fez makes my chest heavy and my stomach hurt for real


Wooooh this is the big one. When the title card came on 😂 we were just getting started. That opening scene is so hard to watch. I cry every time. Zendaya's Emmy was well deserved. This episode was incredible but so stressful. My shoulders were tense the entire time. I fully believe that it was Laurie's plan all along to get Rue hooked on harder drugs and force her to become a prostitute. She knew this exact scenario was going to happen; that's why she so readily agreed to give Rue the suitcase full of drugs in the first place. I don't know if you caught this, but the first time the camera panned to the door with the padlock on it, there was the sound of presumably nails scratching against the other side of the door. Scary stuff. Also, Laurie lied and said that she only had intravenous morphine but there were pills in the suitcase she brought out. On a side note, the media literacy in our current society (and particularly among Euphoria viewers on social media) is abysmal. When this episode aired, so many people on Twitter were calling Elliot a snake and saying they believe he was working for Laurie and tried to get Rue in trouble with the suitcase on purpose. He clearly cared about her and didn't want her to die. He even wiped tears from his eyes when he left her house. A lot of people forget that he's the same age as Rue and is also using drugs. He's basically season 1 Rue (or maybe pre-season 1 Rue). Jules cheating on Rue with Elliot is wrong, but it is a separate issue from the intervention which came from a well intentioned place. It also saddens me to see such an utter lack of empathy for Cassie amongst Euphoria viewers. I really appreciated that you had kind words of compassion for her at the start of the reaction. She has trauma from the situation with her father's addiction, her negative experiences with boys and men after she hit puberty, her abortion, and her mother's alcoholism. Her mother loves her, but she is not the kind of parent that Cassie needed to protect and guide her. The Euphoria fandom is too unkind to Cassie. I, too, like both seasons for different reasons. It frustrates me that people speak against this show without even having watched it. It's clearly not for everyone, but it does what it does very effectively.


I try to look at everything objectively. No matter how much I know about someone else’s situation, it’s the things I don’t know that keep me from coming to any judgement or conclusion.

Lisa Börjegren

Showed this episode to a friend that haven't watched Euphoria at all. Just this one episode, because it's so telling about addiction and withdrawal and all of that. I unfortunately know about withdrawal on fentanyl, got prescribed that (for pain) by doctors I think around 8 years ago but then it turned out to be not so much a medicine, it kept going for about a year on and off. Mostly on. Even after the doctors stopped prescribing it to me I found ways to keep using. As you do. I have barely told anyone this, my mom know basically everything but I can't tell friends. I'm still too ashamed, but I'm trying to be more open. Writing this comment is very scary, but this episode and what it means to me is important. And I wanna say that I love that they could portray the hell on earth that is withdrawal on fentanyl (and all the other stuff Rue was taking) in this episode alone. There was scenes where I could see myself in my own darkest moments and that's why I love this show and episode. Feeling less alone, less crazy. Zendaya is amazing in this. I'm Swedish so English is my second language, hope this long text is okay!


Thank you so so much for sharing 🙏 I know how scary that can be. Hopefully at some point you will see that this is just another part of your story of things you have overcome in your life. I know that by sharing it more often, in settings like this of course, will prove that to you. I consider my darker past as important as anything else in my life. It’s turned into something very beautiful for me, both in how I see it and what it’s given me later in life. You’re awesome! Thank you 🙏

Elisha miyahira

The actres pleasing Leslie in my opinion did brilliant. Because even tho she says you do not scare me, in her face to her daughter, you realize clearly in her eyes…. She is. And the reason why is because her daughter isn’t there. The fight or flight mode and the central nervous system overload of the missing suitcase and multiple ramifications of it going missing triggered it. And to be honest if Leslie knew the extent of that suitcase and what it REALLY meant and who gave it to rue, this would be a whooooole nother conversation. Brilliant acting from them all.


as an addict would you say its possible to just smoke weed and not get roped back in or is that just a bad idea to even try to do that? loved the reaction!


I smoke weed for insomnia. But I waited 3 years of fully being off everything and even then I did a bunch of homework on it before I decided to start. But mostly I think the three years gave me time to know how much I didn’t want to go back to how it was. I still have that fear that I could pick up again after 13 years. I don’t recommend it for everyone. It really is dependent on how much you want to stay clean. And you need to give yourself time with that experience to find out who you are without all of it and grow. That’s a big important part. And getting sober with the idea of “oh I can start smoking weed later on or in a couple years” or whatever, isn’t a good way to do it 😂 do not make both decisions together. Get clean and sober solely. Learn who you are for a couple years and then maybe talk about it to someone you trust will be honest with you.


I’m having a hard time finding the reaction video I searched “BAGEL” in the search bar and nothing pops up with a password.


Searching “bagel” should take you to the welcome post you see when you sign up, hopefully 😂 Password is “ThongSong99”