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🚨🚨 You will need to input a password on Vimeo to access the videos. The password is changed EVERY month.

The current password will aways be pinned in the welcome post at the top of the main feed. lf you have trouble finding the Welcome pinned post then try the following:

1) lf you are using the Patreon App, simply click on the profle name in any post and that will bring you to the main page. The pinned post will be at the top with the password.

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Sad news to say but Angus (Fez) just passed away yesterday. His character was amazing

Lisa Börjegren

Fez, what a beautiful and complex character. So interesting. With his whole upbringing he could be pure evil, that would actually make kind of sense unfortunately, but there's so much sencerity and love in him. Angus was such a wonderful actor, he will forever be missed. Thank you for this first episode, I'm so excited for the rest of the season! I have a feeling there will be a lot for you to discuss and reflect over.

Lisa Börjegren

He really was amazing. Danny made a post about it, he will also dedicate a video to and for Angus. Check the posts underneath :)

Rebecca Karsner

It's sorta eerie that this was the next episode you were putting out. I still can't believe it! RIP Angus Cloud! 😔

Evan G

So funny to use an Orville Peck song about gay cowboys during a Nate scene

Danielle White

How do I watch this I haven’t been able to watch anything since I signed up keeps telling me I need a password…. HELP


You have to search the word :BAAGEL in the search bar and the password will pop up

Lisa Börjegren

Go to the first page of 7 Deadly Bananas and the post that's pinned, top post, is telling you the current password.


So excited to see you go through season 2. I relate a lot to Rue's character just in a different way than you would expect. I suffer from OCD, Bipolar, and Anxiety just that she does and that has been a root cause of many problems in my life. I also have been in recovery from Anorexia for the past 2 years (doing pretty well) and was in many treatment facilities for months at a time and one of which I went out of state to live at for 6 months. It would Surprise you to see how similar it is to rehab and in all honesty it was a traumatizing couple years being in those facilities 2 of witch were against my will and 2 by choice. There is actually an AA/NA style group for eating disorders because they are considered an addiction it's called EDA. Drug addiction and Eating disorders have many of the same behaviors and mood swings and just are different form. I saw Rue's behavior through all of euphoria and remember acting just like her and being manipulative and putting too much pressure on one person in my recovery as well. I had fights with my family in a very volatile way just like Rue had with her mom and I've cried and cried through this show multiple times because of how close to me it feels. Season 2 episode 5 struck me in a way I can not explain and it is the most powerful and relatable tv episode I've ever seen. I'm not saying an eating disorder is the exact same as addiction but like I said you'd be surprised. Eating disorders are right behind opioid addiction in common cause of death and Is the deadliest mental disorder behind it. Just wanted to share a bit of my story even though it's a bit different. Been really loving watching the show with ya and hearing your thoughts


When you finally look at the bare root of it all, it’s so frickin similar! The habits, the behavior, anything! Depending on the situation of course. I’m so happy your working on things and you’ve found us here 🙏 I appreciate you feeling comfortable enough to let us know this about you.


Thanks for reading all that haha just wanted to share like you have :)