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S02E03 Game of Thrones


Sheridan W.

Somebody may have already given this information, but just wanted to clarify Theon Greyjoy’s position in the story. The Greyjoy’s launched their own rebellion after Robert Baratheon had already claimed the iron throne following the death of the Mad King. Balon Greyjoy (Theon’s father), wanted to secure independence for the Iron Islands and decalre himself king of the Iron Islands, outside of the control of Robert Baratheon and the Seven Kingdoms. Ned Stark, among others, defeated the Greyjoy’s, in the process killing Balon Greyjoy’s two elder sons. Theon (who is not a bastard), was then Balon’s last surviving male heir and next in line to become Lord of the Iron Islands, and so Ned Stark took Theon as a hostage/ward to Winterfell to keep Balon in check and stop him from rebelling again.


lord baelish’s voice reminds me of adam sandlers in little nicky