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the lyrics also mirror Sylvia Plath's life, so many layers

Megan Monroe

This is meant to be set “back in the day.” Women were deemed “hysterical” and put in mental institutions, typically by their husbands, over the smallest things. For example, they used to institutionalize women for severe PMS. So that's the era (no pun intended 😁) they decided to go within the video, which should add a bit of context. They are also married to other people. She mentions wanting to kill his wife & her husband. Keeping in context with the time period, her husband could DEFINITELY put her in an asylum for adultery! That would've been a breeze back then. Due to this, they obviously can't be together, even when she’s out of the hospital and they’re neighbors (which would pose so many problems if this were reality & not a music video 🤔😬), because her husband could send her right back to the hospital. And the fact that, although he’s right next door, they can't be together, is legit driving her insane. During the telephone scene, they're essentially talking about finally breaking down and running away together; it comes across that they are both feeling the urge to run and want to tell the other, “Let’s do this! Let’s leave town right now!” but they call one another, yet the other doesn't answer the phone. They plan to move to Florida (I’m guessing because it's far from where they currently are & because it would've been thought of a tropical getaway back then 😄) and she'll be able to buy whatever car she wants (I’m assuming so she can learn to drive and/or not feel looked down on when she did) because there was a time when women did not drive…at all. I don’t think it was ever a law on the books, however, there was a time when many women (especially in the South) never even learned to drive! It was looked down on for a woman to drive more so due to cultural mores. Also, your reaction was just fine! You're new to Swiftedom, so no one should fault you for not knowing that there’s no backstory or references in this song that you have to be a Swiftie to know about. I can see how it would be confusing because the norm (and I’m sure my girl Audrey has told you about Taylor hiding messages a.k.a. “Easter eggs” in her lyrics and music videos. If not and you wanna know just ask her what a Taylor Swift “Easter egg” is. Lol…And be ready for incredible tangents! You already know that though! 😁🤣) is to be on the lookout in her videos, lyrics, and interviews for hints and clues and signs or symbols…all the sh*t. The only Swiftie “Easter egg” you missed is during the scene towards the end when they are giving her some sort of experimental treatment. It’s kinda neat to see if you wanna go back to that scene and pause when the camera is positioned above the EKG machine. It spells out, “I love you/It’s ruining my life.” As far as the alcohol issue goes, I personally, being a recovering (10 yrs.) addict, have thought she had/has a problem with alcohol as far back as her Reputation album. From that album onward, she talks a lot about alcohol, and being drunk or wasted. I think she turns OR formally turned to it as a coping mechanism for all the sh*t she’s been put through over the yrs. But, she was drunk as hell at a couple of award ceremonies as late as last year, so IF she is an alcoholic, and IF she is in recovery, she’s fresh to it. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I feel like it’s important and respectful for me to say that I DO NOT personally know her, and I’m NOT licensed to clinically diagnosis anyone with a disorder or disease. I’m strictly going by two things. First, it’s simply how I feel intuitively from my experience being a (recovering) addict myself. It's one of those “it takes one to know one” kinda things. Secondly, I listen to Taylor’s own words. A great example, (someone mentioned it) is the clip from The Long Pond Sessions. Also, many of her song lyrics give it away, IF you listen for it. The theme started on her Reputation album and it hasn’t let up. Anyways, if you’d like suggestions on some of those songs, especially for the things you’re listening to related to addiction and recovery, just let me know. 😊