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Was a busy day so sorry for the late night post!

  • Slime Shenanigans - Something Slime related! possible return of the doppelganger Volt slime, or other fun stuff involving a shapeshifting blob of lewdness~.

  • Beach-day Shenanigans - Something Beach related to go with the summer weather going on~ Possible lewdness involved~.

  • Human/Anime Artwork - Something different from all the other options-- humans! This is more of an excuse to do something related to human characters, but also to see if y'all like to see more of that!

Deadline will be June 15th/16th for the poll.



Oh man, Slime was a near run-away choice.


it even wasn't a competition, shapeshifting goo and goo doppelgangers are so good~


We vote slime cause of slime goo blob takeover an empty husk deflated skinsuit >:3