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Hey hey everyone!

I just wanted to give a general update on where everything is and how things will likely play out in the coming days. Seeing how I haven't exactly been posting as much as I'd like-- The Sequence and Comic posts being the majority of what I have posted. I do have the remaining Mega Event pictures in the works or planned out. Sadly, I don't think I will be getting one of those done before October ends, as... IRL hasn't been exactly kind this month.

Note; I am not using this as an excuse, just an explanation on my part as ultimately, it all falls back on me. I was hoping to actually get another sketch or two posted for the month too, I might still be able too but who knows. The Comic and Sequence bits alone took more work than I'd like to get done-- multiple pictures/panels, more work and etc. Plus, I did take some time to update the 'Bel'
sculpt, which I am planning to post up soon (so please look forward to that). BUT I still cant help feel I have been lacking due to taking to long on certain pictures for quality sake VS getting pictures done with what free time I did have. IDK, this could just be me on this because I always feel I could do more...

I know this post must seem like rambling-- probably is, BUT I just wanted to let you know that I am going to try and get some Sketch Stuff up soon as possible, but the remaining Mega Event stuff might slip into November more than I originally planned. Either way, artwork is coming and I hope to see you all return for another month of artwork!




Dont worry about it. Real life always comes first. Besides, one thing I've learned is not to rush art. You take your time with it until it's the way you envisioned it. Please keep up the good work. 👍🐺


True i agree with him....take ur time with the art. We understand ur problem situation. Btw, ur doing a great job Raven :)