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Hey hey! Thought I'd post this now that I feel well enough to sit down for more than 5 minutes at a time before pain to write this out.

  • Gonna wrap up a few commission pieces-- I had about two near finished before my mishap middle of the month which slowed me hella down, same with another project mentioned later. I wanna get most if not all of the near-finished pieces done this month, so expect some Com pieces here soon.

  • On-The-Run comic should get its first if not first two pages out this month. Again, had stuff in works, health issues kicked me in the nuts and had me slow down my work. Long time coming, this is something I will be focusing on getting done between projects.

  • I am aiming for a [A] through [D] posting schedule like normal-- though if something pops up I will be sure to mention something ahead of time like I've been doing. Gonna aim for one or two more posts after [D] as well-- HOWEVER; I will be doing what I have been doing for extremely NSFW content; DM Emails to the content. Seems like Patreon is OK with that way of distribution, so until I get hit otherwise; gonna continue that method.

  • Going to try to squeeze in another Sketch Lovers event. Not 100% for sure, but I am going to try to do within the next few days once I've fully recovered. Dunno what exactly I will do yet-- but am going to get those going yet again.

    Sorry if this sounds a little jumbled but yeah, wanted to get this out for y'all.


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