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 This is exclusively for Patreon as this is pretty much what I have decided to do for this month in regards to how Patreon wants to do things.

A). I will be posting previews of artwork I have in the works as my [A] through __ series of posts. The files themselves will be sent through Patreons Personal Message system (PMs) with a link to the Zip. It will have instructions on how to get your files and etc. as well.

B). April will likely have an [A], [B] and [C] for the month. I will try to get more out, but with me having to do all this extra work just to get things out to you all here on Patreon is extremely annoying. That and I have been under the weather so I've had to slow things down a little bit.

C). Files might be up when I post the preview-- or at least soon after. Links will be up for a set amount of days; afterwards it will be taken down. I'll try to keep everything up as long as possible, but expect them up for the month of-- or a few days into the next, then they will be removed.

D). This will only effect Patreon.

Hope this clears some things up. Please feel free to comment below over this-- I apologize that I have to even go this route but its that or risk Patreon just nuking me out right for no real reason for drawing 2D tiddies doing lewd stuff.



Have you considered making a discord?


Sorry for the late reply. I have thought about it, but its not as easy as it sounds. That and Patreon is apparently also looking at Discord servers as well when it comes to their content ban. So if they see anything there they dont like; boom. Dead. Other hurtles I have had is finding people who are willing to be Mods for the server. Either because they have their own to worry about, or dont have the time to do it. So if I were to do it, I'd have to make is extremely limited so that things are easier to manage solo.