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MAOMAO vs poison, no matter what she wins because home girl is wild and is a freak LOL the way that Jinshi cared so much about her ... AWWWW I CRI. but also we have our second male lead you guys. ALSO, Jinshi is not a eunuch is he, its not giving that at least. The fucking high ranking officer serves him so idk- also. THAT GIRL. WAS 9. SHES CURRENTLY 14. THATS SO FUCKING GRIM. SO FUCKING GRIM..

RANDOM THOUGHT- is jinshi the emperors brother or relative or something [no one answer this]



yeap that's about the reaction i expected from the Family Tree Reveal. PREEEETTY gross :D also ye the lady smirking was indeed the food taster. I was confused at first that they didn't seem to know what frickin ALLERGIES are, but then again, people to this day still seem to just assume others are faking allergies for... idk attention or something. btw INCREDIBLY lukewarm take but those people are scum, like anti-science nonsense aside, what attention would you even GET from faking an allergy? "oh wow! you can't eat tree nuts? food choices are more limited if i were to eat with you? you're so cool be my friend!!!" in what world does that happen LOL either way, they don't change their mind till they send a 6 year old into anaphylactic shock because they wanted to "prove a point" to one of their "over-coddling" mom-friends at a birthday party


no cause truly it was so so revolting to me. Fucking disgusting. back then i definitely think allergies are not something that was just understood lol. i wonder what they did when that happened to be honest.