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DUDE jinshi is such a weirdo i love him so much, the way he wants to protect maomao, and the way maomao had to fake freckles to seem "less appealing" to criminals and freaks is insane to me, it just brings deep sadness to me to be honest with you.


Derek P

One relieving thing is I do not believe the emperor has... visited... the Virtuous Consort (Lishu/child concubine). Probably more of a political alliance type thing like a lot of the higher ranked concubines.

Zero ChronoV

The gifting of the hairpin in ancient China among high society can mean one of two things. It can signify the person of lower rank receiving the hairpin has earned favor with the one of higher rank giving the hairpin. Essentially that person of lower rank is free to make a request of the higher ranking individual. You would return the hairpin when you seek to make a request of the other person. A second meaning is much more romantic in nature and is a way of saying, "I like you and am interested in courting you".


thank GOD. i genuinely wanted to vomit- the thought of that being a thing is so revolting