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when something feels too good that you're suspect of whats to come... thats called trauma innit. Idk man, something just feels very off about the way we know nothing about Subaru's appearance in this world and more so the reason and goal the witch has for making that happen. It almost feels like the witch wants him to do something very dark with emilia and i am scared :D anyways, its been a ride watching season 1 with you all, how crazy is it that we still have no fucking idea whats going on a full season in? FUN.


Oscar Santos

Hi Faroh, loved your reaction and hope you react to the OVA as well. The Re zero directors cut is the same season 1, however, as the director originally intend it, as you can see all the episodes on the director cut are around 45 minutes while the original are 22 minutez, it basically means it has extra scenes that needed to be cut on the original release due to time constrains.

Mikael Hultman

The director's cut is basically a watchlist of the whole first season with episodes combined in 2, the first ova slotted in at the chronological place to watch it and a handful of extra scenes added in some episodes (mainly that it gave a preview of the start of season 2 at the end of the last episode in anticipation of it airing), so it's not a big deal watching either version really. Of the two extra movie episodes, Memory Snow revolves around Subaru prepping for his and Emilia's date after they defeated the devil dogs and is a nice little break from all the pain and some extra character building if that's of interest, and the Frozen Bond shows some of Emilia and Pucks past and would help with your questions about Puck being Emilias "father", and I'd say that at least the second one is necessary viewing for season 2 to lessen the confusion in some episodes that relate back to it.

Zero ChronoV

The reason the ending is like that is because when season 1 was made, the anime studio had no idea how Re:Zero would do or if it would be popular enough to do more than one season. So they wanted to end the story on a high note in case season one was all that was ever adapted from the novels. Then the anime aired and Re:Zero's popularity exploded. Unfortunately, they also cut a fair bit of content to get to the point where season one stopped by removing almost anything that was a lead in to a future plot that season one wouldn't explore. With season three of Re:Zero announced for Fall 2024, some of those future plot points that were cut from season one will become relevant, so it will be interesting to see how the anime intends to handle them being introduced into the story.


Maybe I missed it but Julius also voices a certain dad from a recent spy anime :D


Yeah he’s the voice of Loid. Hard to tell since he’s much more soft spoken in this show