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why does this show make me so emotional. This is literally masterful story telling you guys, the way that they just tie things in so beautifully over episodes? I AM MOVED I TELL YOU. But seriously, its clearer to us now more than ever how Himmel only cared about being remembered by Frieren, to make sure things didnt change for her when they passed and that they always remain alive in her heart. OETHGEOITGHT





the Steak Flashback (official name) has sO many layers going on. first, obviously the whole Olfactory Senses and their ties to memory thing, I'm sure everyone who wants to sound smart (me) will bring that up. But more importantly, despite Himmel's effort, the steak WASN'T just the same as it was before, which temporarily upset Frieren, until she acknowledged it was even better. It's sort of like up till now, statues have been the representation of Himmel trying to keep a piece of himself in the past for her. The steak is the "failed" version of those statues (I swear I'm going somewhere with this); they didn't hold the memory of that original dinner perfectly intact as a frozen image, they're only a reminder of it Frieren's memories with Himmel will always hold a place in her heart, but there's a risk of her holding them in too high regard, to the point that she'd blind herself to the potential joy held by the present and future. Up till now, she's mostly been just rotely retracing her footsteps to recapture the feeling of the original journey. However, as you noted, she seems FAR more expressive in this episode, and i believe it's because she's learning that the memories she's making NOW are just as important, and she should treasure them just as much. If anything, that's the best thing she can do to honor Himmel's memory; her biggest regret was not appreciating her time with him when she had the chance, after all


oh also my weekly scattered observations: - Ubel + Land give mad "extrovert that has adopted an introvert" energy - I want Denken to by my grandpa (i ran out, need new ones) - in the future, I plan to be the Mysterious Old Man that goes up to random people I don't know, drops cryptic bars that mean basically nothing, and just peaces out. It sounds like fun! - Stark trying to use Sein's exact phrasing to cheer up Fern was adorable, it's like he saw Sein as a cool uncle that he tried to learn from. I miss that milf-chasing perv - There is NO heterosexual explanation for Kanne to be like this for Lawine they are on a DATE they are DATING and they need to kiss NOW - i snack on bread judge me if you will but i will stand my ground - Stark how dare you get felt up by Wirbel IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME NOT HIM - jesus christ bird ya didn't have to yeet it like that - i thought the saitama guy was Dave Draiman from Disturbed but he's too tall - LOL THE EPISODE TITLE SPOILING THE NEXT TEST


I shipped Lawine and Kanne when Frieren fist walked over to them and they were fighting. To be fair though. There are not too many couples to ship in this show. That might be why I felt that way. When zkanbe called out Lawine's name when she thought she was about to die sealed the deal for me. About who passes....I kinda feel the OP may have spoiled it. I might be reading too much into it though


Nah, Übel straight kills for fun. She killed a 1st Class mage in a previous exam and for someone as strong as her she didn't need to kill those bandits. It's like Wierbel said, he will kill when it's necessary, but Übel takes pleasure in it.


No because why did i also not recognize Richter until his teammates walked up


idk i initially didnt feel that way about Lawine and Kanne, but i do now lolololol


Ubel empathized with a guy that does not like to kill. So she cant actually be evil if she can do that? Plus if she empathizes with a guy who's magic is to make himself. How deep does she need to know him? Does that not end up with love? Anyway i ship clone boy with unhinged woman.


I love how the writer was not afraid to make Fern become more unlikeable. She has become a pushy moody brat. Understandably so because of who she has known for over half her life. Everyone I've known who was forced to be a caretaker at a young age, (and really that is what Fern is to Frieren) has gone through a phase where they were a lot like Fern. Passive aggressive, bratty, bossy, prone to give silent treatments over minor issues. She has become so used to being the one in charge she gets very angry when people do not do what she wants them too or when people engage in a behavior she has been angry about before. I'm pretty sure it will be something she grows out of as events show her it is not good for her companions. But to me it is a very realistic personality trait.