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UGH WE FINALLY MADE IT OUT OF THAT HELLISH FUGUE OF PAIN THAT WAS THE PAST FEW EPISODES= WAIT= PAUSE. LIKE? THE FOG OF THE WHALE!? AND THE FOG OF THOSE EPISODES!? INTENTIONAL!?!!!? ANYWAYS. Subaru is finally learning. Rem please i beg you, find someone better for you, or Subaru, open your eyes and look at this perfect baby infront of you or i will lose my mind before you do at this rate. SO HELP ME GOD.


Zero ChronoV

Since you seem to like Rem and Subaru, Faroh, there is a scene in the novels here that didn't make it into the anime. When Rem and Subaru were talking under Flugel's tree, Rem tells Subaru that she's decided to keep pursuing him romantically anyway even knowing how he feels about Emilia and that she is willing to be his second wife or mistress after Emilia as long as he'll share some of his love with her every now and again. Subaru seems unsure how to take that, since he thinks being with two women is kind of scummy, but ends up agreeing with the condition that they would only try it if Emilia were also to agree. The conversation ends with Rem saying she will turn her all to convincing Emilia to both get together with Subaru and go along with the whole arrangement once they return to the mansion. It was an interesting scene as a fan of Rem because it highlights that Rem's lack of self confidence extends to more than just her inferiority complex with Ram. The fact that she doesn't seem to think she can win over Subaru without making herself part of a package deal with Emilia.

Oscar Santos

Every scene with Subaru and Rem hurt me, no matter how cute they are, it only shows me how close we were to greatness.


I haven't seen this season since it came out so rewatching it with you has been a really fun experience! I remember how happy I was watching this episode and seeing Subaru actually showcase some growth, glad you're loving it too!


When they are talking about seemingly sentient sword they mean the same sword that Reinhard possesses right now. Did you catch that Wilhelm and Reinhard have the same last name?