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WHAT THE FUCK! REM WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? like im sorry that really took me so so so off guard, cause how in the hell did we get here? WHAT DID HE DO? WHY DOES SHE THINK HE'S SUS? LIKE WHATS THE ISSUE HERE REM... I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS.


Tom Ellis

The trauma just keeps stacking up, how much can our boy take???

Mikael Hultman

The demon/ogre thing is simply a case of bad translation. The japanese folklore creature called Oni is frequently translated as either in different works and in this case they happened to muddle things by not being consistent between episodes.

DefinitlyNotHana (edited)

Comment edits

2024-06-21 14:14:21 For the reason of the murder. He knows 2 much, he needs to be silenced. Hush money is not reliable, a person that can't talk write or gesture is.
2024-05-27 03:06:43 For the reason of the murder. He knows 2 much, he needs to be silenced. Hush money is not reliable, a person that can't talk write or gesture is.

For the reason of the murder. He knows 2 much, he needs to be silenced. Hush money is not reliable, a person that can't talk write or gesture is.