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I love when a romcom anime knows NOT to overstay its welcome. Like I'm sure I'd have a different tone if I was a manga reader, but this show was paced IMMACULATELY. They managed to cram in so many interesting themes and heavy development for ALL the major characters into a single lighthearted season, and somehow it still didn't feel rushed. I could write an entire essay on just Jun learning to accept his feelings and not hesitate, or even something as small as what Carol's story says about masking (yes I'm still holding onto her being autistic), but my comments already tend to verge on the length of the Iliad so I'm just gonna leave it at this: Jun really brought out his inner best boy Gojo taking MLA cited mental notes during that sex scene


Also they made a bold statement by not even including the MAIN character in the final episode (of course I mean Orange Haired Boy justice for my son)