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Two very very dark episodes to be honest. That shit was incredibly hard to watch. I will say that episode 18 had the bigger impact on me just because i've bonded with these characters and I deeply feel their pain, so seeing Arnheid being beat like that was beyond handling to be honest. Heiter at the end of the day is just another slave owner, no matter how 'well' he treats them, he treats them all as slaves and forces them into labour to buy their way out. Idk what the fuck broke in him, maybe the idea that he is alone truly in this world at this point.



Snake is a warrior from Miklagard which is an old Norse name for Constantinople. He’s Norse tho but it explains the sword. He’s a dreamboat anyway haha.


Heiter? Somebody is in Frieren withdrawal. ;) See, this is the point where this season broke for me. They did Ketil dirty. Yes he is a slave owner. So are most land owners back then. this was 1000 years ago, judging him for being a slave owner is like judging somebody today for driving a car (which to be fair, some do...). In context with his times morality, legal system and anything else, he did NOTHING wrong. And yet he was fucked over be everybody and backstabbed by the last person he was convinced he could trust. That breaks a man. Personally, I can fully understand and emphasize with him. I can even understand why he lost it. For a guy today it would be his girlfriend fucking half her coworkers behind his back (crude comparison, but same principle). You want to stomp her neck in. You just don't do it. Ketil is an example for why I consider "pacifists" that are only against violence because "violence scary" to be dangerous. It's not a matter of principle, it's a matter of being a bitch. Which is why I still hate him, despite understanding why he felt the way he felt. You do not lash out, you swallow that shit and fight on. We are all alone. Also a reason why I can at least respect Thorfinn's brand of pacifism (he knows how to fuck shit up, but actively choses not to), even if I completely disagree with the "not even defending yourself" part, but that is just because it completely runs against my own philosophy (Never attack anybody, but if they try to start shit, one of us is not walking away from this). Honestly, the guy in this season I probably like the most is Snake....he is right with what he says. Why are his men worth less than a random guy wandering in? Yeah they are assholes, but they are his men, his brothers. You stand by your brothers.


I don't know if you have forgotten or not but back in episode 7, Ketil had already revealed (to Arnheid) that the whole iron fist Ketil thing was all bullshit. He lied to everyone to look strong and gain respect. He is not a veteran soldier who has fought a war with his bare hands its all a sham.


"For honor and wealth" Such a great episode with Gardar and the flashback. Realizing what you had in life that really mattered.. This episode hit like a truck even if we barely got to know him

Jay P

Bruh what, idt that's an apt comparison. Arnheid backstabbed him? By wanting to leave because she is a slave, forced against her will? Ketil never tried to listen to her side of the story, and indeed might have felt empathy for her situation if he wasn't in such a bad state with everything going around him. She didn't "fuck a bunch a guys", she comforted her husband in his dying moments and knew she would never actually leave. Also, I like Snake, too, but if you watch the show it's clear Snake is slowly being won over by Sverkel and Thorfinn's way of looking at things. This show is about the friction between the Old Testament values (eye for an eye) vs. a more nuanced view of how you view and treat people who have done you wrong, or mean to do wrong (as dedicated in the scene with snake reading the Bible to Sverkel). It's about exploring those alternative paths. Not sure why you like the show if you think the whole "one of us is not walking outta here" kinda mentality is the right way to go about things. The show is clearly pushing back against that. Everyone is entitled to their viewpoint and opinion, of course, but it's just puzzling to me. Most ppl who don't like this show (especially season 2) usually have a similar line of argument as you and think violence can be easily justified, and they want as much action, epic fights, blood, and gore, etc as they can get. And season 2 had almost none of that, so ppl tuned out. If I misunderstood your views, apologies, just a little baffling.


To clarify a few things here: a) I was talking about Ketil's viewpoint. From his point of view, with everything going on, yes, Arnheid backstabbed him. And I never said she fucked a bunch of guys, I just said Ketil might feel similar to a guy who got cheated on. If that feeling of his is justified or not is debateable, but it is the situation, with everything going on around. Your entire life's work is about to be fucked over by a piece of shit king, you are already down on the ground, and then you learn of a "betrayal" by the only person you thought you could 100% trust? Yeah that can break a guy. It does not justify his actions, but it explains them. b) If the alternative path is getting mugged, killed or stabbed instead of DEFENDING myself, then I am glad to be wrong. As I said, never attack, but ALWAYS defend yourself. There is no such nuance in this show in my opinion. It is only "le violence is le bad". And yes, if somebody tries to harm me or my loved ones, violence is a suitable tool to answer. and that is all it is, a tool, a last resort tool, but a tool nonetheless. Of course deescalation should be the first step, but if thing escalate to a point where I have to chose my own life or that of another, I am willing to do whatever is nessecary to protect myself and my family. I know that in today's society that is seen as wrong, I should lay down and let some asshole mug or murder me to take the high ground, but fuck that. Also, Vinland Saga was never on my favorite list. Season 1 was entertaining, Season 2 is just preachy, and what I have seen from the manga, yeah no thanks. I just hate the "violence is NEVER good" viewpoint, because from how I see it, it basically just tells you to lay down and take anything the world throws at you up your ass and say thanks for it. But that is what is expected from men today....shut up and take it. Until you scatter your brain all over the next wall. Also do not misunderstand me, violence can not be "easily" justified. But there comes a point where it is a viable tool. Again, it is a last resort option, but this show likes to pretend that it is never an option, and that I will never agree with. Also it puts modern day ethics into the 11th century...as if circumstances back then weren't similar everywhere, not only with the "violent brutal vikings". Hey, no hard feelings here btw, always down for discussion. Sorry if I sound more aggressive than I mean to, I am just so tired of all the bullshit in the world that I kinda stopped giving 2 shits. To each their own, different viewpoints are what makes things interesting, so even if I cannot agree with you, thanks for taking the time to answer :) Have a good one.


"one of us is not walking away from this" yeah you buddy..... boasting online about what you would do in a hypothetical situation is hilarious.