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James Fern

thanks for reaction as always. there's a lot of interesting things about this episode. one thing is that frieren of all people gives up sleep to look for the ring every night. even if she doesn't give the outward signs of attaching importance, it shows in her actions. oftentimes, frieren, gives a chagrined smile of self-derision to cover up her feelings. when she says 'i'm used to losing things,' honestly, it could mean people just as much as it means objects. this actually gives a lot of meaning to the fact that frieren is a pack rat. she always carries objects around because she doesn't understand them fully at first. for example, in the birthday episode, she didn't really understand the clothes dissolving potion. the only thing she really understood is that men are supposed to like it a lot, and therefore it should make stark extremely happy. if you look at episode one again, frieren is actually shown staring at the ring after the funeral, as if she's trying to understand what it means, and wonders why she's drawn to it after himmel's death. this also explains why himmel does things the way he does. he understood that frieren, even if she loved him back, was in no position to understand love. so rather than burden her with his love, he left proof for her in the form of things like the statues and this ring. he gave her the pieces so that she could figure it out on her own terms, even if he was long gone, that he loved her. himmel always does things with her long life in mind, and in consideration of that. it's an extremely pure form of love that didn't ask for anything in return.


Yes Frieren. Himmel, known lover of flowers, totally did not know the meaning of that flower symbol. Loved this episode of Frieren-sama: Ultra Romantic!


Ugh, knowing how he felt about her, and then remembering how he waited for her fifty whole years after their departure, only to see her one last time before the end of his life. I'm so done mannnn


james I have to say, your vocabulary is great hahaha ahh she carries them around and ends up always understanding them slowly... the way that Himmel is so patient with her kind of fucks me up. In my opinion, he always knew that he loved her, and she just didn't understand what love was, not yet anyway... and he would always wait for her to understand it. Even though she didn't get to understand it in his life, I hope they get to live it together in heaven.

James Fern

thank you for the compliment! you know, i was giving some thought as to why Himmel seemed so considerate of Frieren even though she's not a fragile person. and I think the big thing is that Himmel understood how much Frieren sacrificed for humanity (and elvmanity?) Frieren basically spent a whole one thousand years either dedicated to destroying the demon king, or feeling guilty that she was afraid to fulfill what she saw as her duty. i have a slightly different opinion of flamme from most people, where I see it as kinda tragic the burden that flamme put on frieren. i know that if flamme had the lifespan to do it, she would've taken the burden on herself. but, i noticed that in episode 10, when aura calls her "frieren the slayer" in the subtitles, you can audibly hear her saying "soso no frieren," which is a title drop. I don't know enough japanese to understand the pun, but the way I took it was that frieren's entire identity had become her title of slayer. sry kind of long analysis coming up. repressing her magic was basically repressing who she was. that's why when she first meets flamme, she says she loves magic. but fifty years later, she only somewhat likes it. aura is a fitting name for the villain of that arc, because it demonstrates the arc's meaning. their mana isn't just a tool, but it's who they are. when aura's mana is rushing off of her, it's an expression of her gigantic pride and confidence in herself. when frieren is repressing her mana, it's an expression of her personality, hidden away and boxed in. when we first meet frieren, all the mana rushing off of her is an expression of her sorrow at losing her village. and when frieren finally lets her mana loose as a demonstration of her power, it's an expression of the rage she's bottled up for one thousand years. and when himmel saw how strong she was immediately, it meant that he understood the depths of her emotion. that's why himmel more than anyone else knew what she needed.


good catch on the Sousou = Slayer thing James, especially if you caught it all on your own. I got this from other commenters, so i might not explain it correctly, but the pun is basically that "sousou" can translate to "funeral", or more broadly to "final farewell to the dead", so most readers originally took it to mean how she's dealing with and reflecting on the deaths of her companions, as well as giving them their final wishes and to be fair, they're not WROOONG, that really IS what the story focuses on the most. BUUUUUT sousou is also homonym for "slayer", which leads to the most badass title drop of 2023 (at least for japanese viewers LOL)


Girl how'd I not see ya got the dang ADHD Tesseract in your hands and where do I get one for myself