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'don't forget to watch the real thing' ok ms rizzler I would fold like a cheap lawn chair in a hurricane if someone (in the same age range) pulled sum shit like that damn


I just binge watched all your reactions gimme more pls

Ral Zarek

Im not exaggerating at all when i say this is my Fav episode of any rom com. The way the date is so realistically awkward because its so new to both of them, Yamada saying "Kyo(Today in Japanese)" constantly throught as a way to subtly say Ichi's first name to him. Also she definitely got the scarf for him as a Christmas present but was to shy to be direct about it. And the creme de la creme, The Handholding scene is actually perfect in my opinion, the music the lighting the way they are both so flustered they cant say anything to each other, the music really sets the mood as it gives the feeling of a small moment being stretched out, just like how they walk super slowly to extend this moment of holding hands for as long as possible. Then we cap it off with the adorable Yamada Santa because shes still an adorable goof ball at the end of the day. I love this show so so so so so so so much! It might not be as good overall as something like Kaguya but its definitely my favorite Rom Com

NI Hartley

8:32 I'd say the vast majority of guys don't think like that, but middleschool is a wild time. So it's deff more accurate for a hormonal middleschool boy.


5:46 "only people who hate their lives drink coffee black" hey now i love me my dirt bean water I mean you're not WRONG but like ya didn't have to SAAAAY it