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EP 21: BOI. Askeladd is literally playing 4D chess right now, this man terrifies me for real. I really thought that this was a stunt done by the King, but he even fooled us as the viewers which is CRAZY. Ugh. I hate him but I admire his talents to manipulate situations and enemies... I'll give him that... 😒 smh. Also, the way that Leif was begging Thorfinn to just come back with him, trying to plead with him like "your old life your old life" but Thorfinn had long sold his old life at a chance of revenge. My theory still stands that Thorfinn is doing exactly what his father wanted to prevent, the death of his innocence. He isn't living, he's surviving. Bjorn & Askeladd's duel was so confusing to me initially, but the longer that I thought about it, the more I started to think that Bjorn's death signified the death of Askeladd's old phase of being a pirate and just an assassin for hire, now he's doing something else, and Bjorn's death solidifies that.

EP 22: i feel conflicted, because on one hand I hate hate hate Askeladd, but on the other hand, I somehow understand how he feels. I can't even blame him for seeking revenge on his sperm donor [i refuse to call a man like that his father :) ] anyways, its conflicting, but I think the moment I was dreading the most finally hit in this episode, when Thorfinn finally realizes he's just being used. The way he screamed terrified me and just hurt man. It hurt. I just hope he learns from this and doesn't keep trying to kill him from this point on... Just go home with Lief I beg.



Askelaad is aware of his own ignorance. It’s why he says “I’m just a viking” when asked why he doesn’t want to be king. It’s also why Bjorn says Askelaad hates himself. He hates Vikings, but in order to fulfill his goal of saving wales, he had to become one to blend in with the Danes and play the “warrior” character he despises.


Concerning your point about Askeladd not being aware of his own brutality, these two episodes show quite the contrary ! From Björn thinking to himself that Askeladd hated all of their comrades AND himself to Askeladd saying to Canute at the end of ep 22 that he isn’t fit to be king despite his heritage because « he is but a Viking » shows that Askeladd knows that he isn’t any better than them and doesn’t make any excuses concerning his behavior. Of course that self awareness doesn’t make up for his crimes and his own violence but I think it’s important to keep this in mind because it’s one of the most interesting aspect of his character Imo ! All the negatives things he says about the Danes warriors he pretty much also applies it to himself. In any case I look forward to your reaction to the end of this season and season 2 afterwards !


im not really talking about his ignorance, its more so his like... slavery to revenge. he's so similar to thorfinn


"I am but a viking" - askeladd knows who he has become. he doesnt sugarcoat it