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please. that was the coolest fucking episode by far, im sorry, but FRIEREN? FRIEREN IS THE GOAT. NO ONE CAN MATCH HER. I LOVE HER SO MUCH. SHE IS SO COOL. IM A HARD CORE FAN ISTG.




Yeah, same. "All warfare is based on deception". Yep, nailed that one. I am so proud of our little stone cold elf. Also, Aura done fucked up. Also what just came to mind when I watched Aura walk up to Frieren: Never interrupt the enemy when they are making a mistake.


Frieren really just casually dropped the KYS at the end. I didnt expect the coldest character of this season to be from here. She is actually so cool damn


The reason why Frieren is not getting that much attention ( my own opinion of course ) is because of JJK. Currently JJK is in his best arc, even tho for my self animation wise and story wise Frieren is better than JJK and i am not saying JJK writing is terrible, but like i said, JJK is currently on its darkest/best arc and it overshadows any other anime that released this season