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Stark is such an actual sweet heart and he's goated. Somehow though, I feel like the character progression in this was a bit lax, and a bit fast? Like how come over two seconds my man can overcome the fear he had for 3 fucking years? Regardless, I understand its obviously not a big part of the plot at the moment, and will most likely come into play later, but post editing the episode I kept thinking about that difference o-o.




I think Stark just needed the push to go do it. He had to act brave for the people and couldn't express his fear to them. That is why when Fern expressed her fear that she had in a similar situation he realized he couldn't run away anymore, plus Frieren gave the little prep talk about how he was similar to his master right before that gave him more courage.


Honestly, the dragon was the easy part.....the hard part is going to be a journey as the only guy in a group of 2 crazy chicks. But my man has the right idea....bribe her with food. He still gonna get his ass kicked for the old hag comment.....a moment of silence for our brother.


Stark had the resolve but I think he was just too scared to do it alone. Fern was harsh but her words came through.


its honestly so impressive to me though that he was able to just overcome it so quick, when he was grappling with the thought and fear for so long u know?


PFFFFFF pls. Fern is normal, Frieren... we can agree on that one hahahahha BUT POOR MAN GUT DESTROYED BY FERN TODAY


True dat, but my man knows that size don't matter...Frieren and Eisen are the proof of that. ^^


Frieren wanted to stay in that city for a while studying magic. She wouldn't care if they were there for more than 2 years. That along with being treated like a hero was what she didn't like. She didn't accept a quest as much as she was pouty because she wanted to stay. She still hasn't completely grasped how humans view time compared to how she does yet