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(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ EEEP~ It is time for another fun week of reactions BAYBEEEE. We're continuing the fun slowly but surely :') Editing 7 videos a week has been very challenging, but I won't lie; it's been making me really happy to see you guys love the content and appreciate it 🥰 

Also! Don't forget to join the discord because we hang out a lot there and talk a lot, too! Sometimes we even watch some shows together \( ̄︶ ̄*\))




Be careful not to overdo it. Burning out is a real issue....7 different shows and 7 videos a week is quite a bit of a workload. Although it does give everybody something to watch which I highly appreciate. :) Ahh, discord....off work from wednesday on, might give it another shot. I never really warmed up to it for some reason...just not my cup of tea, too busy and overwhelming....my chat days are decades behind me XD


aww thank you for caring about that <3 Don't worry, it won't last too long since we're gonna be finishing up one or two of them pretty soon hehe 🥰 and don't worry! Discord is def not for everyone