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Every time I think they're kind or good in any way, they prove me so so wrong. Askeladd is so gross; he just murders like it's nothing. It's so heavily disturbing to me. I also wonder what the priest sees when it comes to love and why he reacted to Thors? Like is it because it was the perfect depiction of love to give up your life for another? I'm not sure 🥲

Also, that poor baby girl left the village; she must have felt like this was her fault and karmic justice against her for stealing this ring... it breaks me; I wanna hug her through the screen 😭



Yeah the priest never made sense to me..... It is interesting to see somebody who is not completely jaded watch this. Because all I can think about Askeladd's actions is "yep, makes perfect sense". And from a strategic and logistical perspective, it does. He needs to house and feed his soldiers, or they are at risk of being a threat to him. He already doesn't have enough resources to do so, so giving the villagers anything is not an option. Letting them go isn't either, because as he said, they are in enemy territory and cannot risk anyone alerting hostile forces. And as he also points out, without food, they would starve either way. So the death of the villagers is at this point only a matter of "slow, agonizing starvation" or "quick axe to the head". At this point, this becomes a mercy killing. From a cold logistical perspective, considering the circumstances, he did the correct thing for his men. 104 vs around 60 villagers.....the needs of a the many outweigh the needs of the few type of deal. Would not fly in todays warfare, even though these things still happen, but the rules were different back then....as in, survival of the strongest. It's not just "vikings be brutal"....crusader armies, ottoman armies....they all did the same things, more or less. Keep your innocence Faroh. There are enough of us emotionally dead inside mothafuckas around, somebody who still has empathy is refreshing. Cheers.


🥹🥹🥹 its genuinely shit because if you think about it, the villagers could have a chance of survival, even if it's small, that likelihood would be higher than their chance of survival if they just get offed. He might think of it as sparing them but it's such a self-serving thought to protect himself from his own brutality in a way! Every time I have hope for these characters they let me down, and it just sucks cause you can see glimmers of kindness and glimmers of hope UGH.