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i have found a new anime to make my entire personality for 10 years. this is now my personality, hello i am frieren.


Ral Zarek

I've only seen Frieren cry once tho.... how can you compare your self to her?

Ral Zarek

Just like Frieren didn't know Himmel as much as she wanted to, or as well as he knew her 🥲


Something I noticed: she is different in many ways, even the naming scheme. Everything is named with random german words (not always gramatically correct, but they actually work in context) Himmel and eisen are nouns. Heiter is an adjective. Frieren is a verb. The only verb. Even Fern is an adjective. And they all make sense (Himmel = heaven or sky...in this context I tend to prefer heaven. Eisen is Iron, perfekt for a dwarfen warrior. Heiter = happy, cheerful. Fits the corrupt priest. and Frieren...means to freeze. And she does not do well with the cold. It feels random at first, but it all makes some kind of sense)


OH! does it also keep in mind then that she is the one who's actions matter going forward? i MEAN if her name Is the only verb that feels like it would play some significance


I am curious about that as well. It seem deliberate, but I am not sure how much it will really play into the overall plot. Something I will keep an eye on tho. It's those little things that make this anime intriguing. (god I can't spell for shit today it seems....)


I’m gonna say it now. There’s an anime called ‘To Your Eternity’. And I want you to see it. But ngl, if you decide to watch it, be prepared. It’s going to be a hard but beautiful watch. Only saying that because Frieren made me think about the emotions I felt while watching TYE and I’d love for you to share it with the world haha. I absolutely adore your reactions. Keep em coming.


HAHAHA you lost it when she found the flowers 😂😭