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I got curious after I saw this post and just binged the first 4 episodes....worth it.


I already cried more than I care to admit, but from what I read about the series online, I am going to cry a lot more. I need to get me a beard like Eisen to hide the tears....or booze like Heiter, that would work too XD I also can't shake the feeling that I have seen Frieren's design somewhere a long time ago....she reminds me of someone and I can't figure it out....


didn't really spoiled myself, just read the synopsis and the random "u r gonna cry a lot" comments just kinda gave it away ^^


The vibe of this series makes me feel some sort of way thats hard to put into words, it's almost nostalgic

Jesus Ascencio

"And you were always there in those beautiful memories" 🥺😭