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hOOooOoOooooooooooooo boy. WHO THE FUCK IS THORKELL AND HOW DOES HE KNOW THORS? Isn't it interesting the way that all these characters show that they aren't free in any way? It feels like they're all chained to something, they claim freedom and that they're better than the slaves but here they are, slaves to their prejudice, pride, greed, adrenaline? It's just so much to watch.

I'm also confused by Askeladd's deep chat about the mother fuckin' roman empire, my man knew it was coming up as a trend on TikTok rn 🤣 but seriously, he's so sly with the plan and even killed the messenger so they can keep the spoils to themselves. He freaks me out lowkey. I keep giving him the benefit of the doubt because I want to believe he's better, but he keeps proving me wrong ngl.



Thorkell in Short without a spoiler: He was in the first episode of the series on the boats with Thors. Remember, the big guy that jumped over and took down 4 guys and the mast of the ship with his axe? You'll learn more about him later, but he has already been introduced. Askeladd, at least for me, is the kind of guy you kinda want to hate, but can't help but admire and respect at the same time. I would love to share a drink with him and have a nice chat, but I sure as shit won't turn my back in his direction..... I much prefer Björn in that way, he would't backstab you, he would tell you to turn around and then smack you straight in the face.


OH SHIT HE WAS WITH HIM?! the more you know! lowkey yes! i kind of like Thorkell, but the way he's so hungry for war really grosses me out. I do like Björn, but I can't forgive his brutality either... its really hard to digest those two contrasting feelings ngl