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Seeing the way they're abusing Thorfinn isn't surprising, but it definitely hurts to watch. The way he had to kill that wolf, fend for himself, literally lower his pride and take the marrow from the remainder of the bones that were eaten by those assholes just hurts man. 

Then for episode 6, oh my god. Seeing the progression of Thorfinn's strength is wild?! He's just talented and strong as his father... I was worried for a moment that he was forgetting the morals his father instilled or tried to instil in him before he passed, but to then see him remember his family whilst betraying this older English woman who showed him kindness just sucks. I just want him to adhere to those morals and stop being such a slave to revenge and the idea of revenge.



Welcome to the 11th century. Von Clausewitz once said that "War is politics by other means" (paraphrased), and that was especially true back in those days. Communication is slow, diplomacy ineffective. Slaughter and pillaging back then were what courtroom hearings and speeches are now, a means to an end. They did not bat an eye about the killing because it was a normal part of life for them. If you grow up in a world like that, todays morals and standards just do not apply. This has been the normal reality for centuries if not longer by that point, and in some parts of the world, it still is. The more things change, the more they stay the same. I also just realized that by the year this episode was set in (1008), my own country was 12 years old....history is weird, this feels like forever ago, and it essentially is, but is was also during our time....as "dark" as those ages were, they had political system, clans, houses, etc as complex as todays global politics....not even mentioning the romans before them.... As for Thorfinn....he makes sense. 6 years old at the start, learning by what he sees. (which brings me to a point I saw mentioned once: When Bjorn visits Thorfinn in the woods and is picking mushrooms....he makes a point of doing it slowly, clearly showing off which ones are edible and which ones are not, and only taking a handful. His way of teaching Thorfinn how to find a source of food without directly outright saying it. Always loved that detail once I was aware of it, subtle done right. Episode six...as much as she is nagging, the daughter of the old Lady is right. Thorfinn presents a clear danger. A child runaway from a village somewhere, sure, take em in. But knowing that there is a scout around, having a person that fits that description, and knowing what scouts mean it that area/time/situation....yes old Lady was acting kind, but she also done fucked up. From a cold, logical perspective anyway..... So yeah, long story short, Thorfinn is doing the classic "monkey do what monkey see" to stay alive and get closer to his goal. Like all of us, same principle (but usually with less backstabbing today....at least with knives), and while seen with todays moral compass etc the actions of Askeladd's crew are abhorrent, in context with the time/area/allround situation, they are just everyday life. Just long 2 cents from a history nerd ;) welcome to painland sage, there are no stops on this ride. Cheers.

