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just feeling a little emo and wanted to say thank you so much to you all for being here and supporting me and my dreams 🥰 It blows my actual mind that anyone would wanna watch little old me, so just wanted to say thank you with my whole heart and I am genuinely so happy making content for you all 💖

Hope you guys know how valued you are to me and please take care of yourselves 🥰 + have some photos of me where I felt cute 




The important part is that you take care of yourself too Faroh. We are here because we like watching you go through the same rollercoasters of emotions that some of these shows inflicted on us. Unitied in suffering, or something along those lines ;) So yeah, hope you'll feel better soon. Life is a shitshow, so we march on and give it our best shot. Also that smile suits you ;)

Ral Zarek

Hmmm a post of Faroh.... Smiling???? Nah this aint it chief, i want a refund.