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This episode was the cutest thing in the world. It goes so deeply into their bromance and just the platonic relationships and I really admire Horimiya for doing that. Miyamura being scared that he'll lose all the guys over someone else is also so human and vulnerable and I just love them 😭 

Then Iura looking out for his sister in his own way, and seeing his different sides are so sweet and kind UGH I LOVE THEM. It was so cute to see the way he acts, and takes care of her in the way she probably understands 🥹 wholesome content to the max istg.



I agree with what you say about the side characters. I think the show and the manga both do a really good job at fleshing them out. Most people can relate to the majority of the struggles they all go through, and because it's done so well it makes them pretty endearing.


right?! They're so good at highlighting them! They managed to make me hate Remi and then love her? i am confusion


Yeah, I like Remi, but I don't blame people for hating her (at least at the start) because her first 2 scenes give her a REALLY rough introduction.


i came cause i couldn't wait for the finale reaction.