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no cause I laughed, screamed, and cried through this episode. At the end, I'll be sharing a lot about myself and how I relate to Miyamura and this story so please try to be kind 🥹.

Sometimes as I'm editing Horimiya and not focused on simply reacting to it, I really notice how this show so implicitly tells the story of trauma through normal interactions that if someone weren't to read deeply into, would never really uncover how deep the messaging actually is behind what is happening. The bunny ears for example felt like a very hidden format of "brotherhood of the bunnies" like I forgive you for it. And the green-haired guy realized, I wish I had told him sooner, I wish I could've saved him from his darkness and his claustrophobic sense of loneliness...

It's just so perfectly made it hurts to watch. Also, nothing is more embarrassing than being in a coffee shop, no one knows what you're doing and watching but just sees you in a corner sobbing 😭 Me rn.



I like that you have what could be called a kind view on Tanihara. Kids can be cruel, but you're right, they are still just kids. Personally I don't think the scenes with Miyamura were about the bullying suddenly being ok, more about Tanihara coming to terms with his behaviour being wrong, and I always saw the cake shop scene as him testing the waters in trying to apologise, because he's scared of what Miyamura will say. I know a lot of people like the Hori + Miya stuff, but I think a lot of my favourite parts of this show are the more platonic relationships, esspecially between some of the male characters.


ah that makes sense. I like the thought of him suddenly realizing it wasn't ok, but deep down I think he always knew. It's just that he was finally faced with it that he was forced to truly address it finally or maybe he finally had the opportunity to? definitely agree that the platonic relationships are lovely to see hehe


I think it's a bit of both, Suddenly having run-ins with Miyamura, especially with Hori and Shindo around to remind him that he is being an asshole, might have been the thing that nudged him into addressing it.