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timer hehe



So, you weren't curious where Gojo's other hand was at the end of the episode,

Ral Zarek

to answer the Boku question i could be be wrong but i believe Boku is a masculine Pronoun, so the succubus is basically a tomboy. its not offically a vibrator... its a back massager but they know exactly what people really use it for. As far as a Love hotel, since people live with their family so often in Japan either parents or children. People dating or hooking up dont really have the lets go back to my place mentality you register for small time frames or one night at the max and its very discreet, no person at the front. The camera i can only assume is if you want to record... activities and watch it later. some small details at 21:16 when Marin is in the bathroom you can see her sides are noticeablly red... Gojo had a GRIP. Also Speaking of grip... when we cut to Gojo laying in bed we noticablly cant see one of his arms and the tempo he is hitting his head is very interesting... but as i expected an amazing reaction to an amazing episode!!!


Ahhhhh ok so it’s a back massager that has multiuse LOL also it’s really interesting that people just rent them like that 🤔🤔🤔