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Honestly y'all this episode hurt me way too much. It had no business being as painful as it was. The fact that Hanma showed up at the bathroom with Takemitchi was really scary, cause it really shows that they do know what his powers are and are actively targetting him no matter the situation.

My biggest concern is them trying to murder him when he's in the past and cant control his body in real time, like thats actually terrifying to me. Also, are they destined to die? Cause why is it verbatim what Akkun has said to him before?? I'm scared.

Hina's death in this must've been incredibly traumatic for Takemitchi, cause watching the girl you love die again after you did everything you can to save her, and especially THAT way? HUH. Also, Akkun was just at the hair dressers, like what are you doing?!?!?!

This episode gets a 5/10 for being straight pain.



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