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we saw Rampo daddy really go against Fukuzawa's orders and you know what, I WILL EXCUSE ANYTHING FOR RAMPO IF IT WORKS IT WORKS PERIOD. Also poor Kunikida is being broken like that.

ALSO, CAN WE TALK ABOUT THE CALICO MAN?!!?! I FAN GIRLED solely cause I love calico. The fact he was just out here trying to get them to work together AHHHHH how cool!?!?!?  Also, can we just say, Aktugawa caring for Kyouka was super nice... 

Also Dazai is in a suit. Besties I am FERAL.




I don’t know if you remember but at the beginning of season 2 in the Lupin bar, Dazai called the cat "sensei" 😏 then told Oda it was a nickname he gave to the cat because it looked "wise"