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this. movie. hurt. me.

I remember responding to comments on the series on YouTube before and there was a comment that said if I plan to watch the movie. First of all, I had no idea there was a movie, secondly, the movie was no where to be found ???

Like I'm sorry, WHY IS IT NO WHERE?! WHY IS IT LIKE HIDDEN LIKE THIS? Anyways. I was super excited to react to it, I didn't think it would get me as hard as it did but it really did. I think watching Mai san really give her life up for Sakuta messed me up. It was something I truly didn't expect and didn't see coming. I know she loves him, but I wasn't aware of how much. It was also so hard to watch Sakuta in so much pain.

Shoko also was a polarizing character for me almost? I felt like the fact she roped Sakuta into this mess was somehow selfish in its own right? Like yes it worked out, but you put such an intense burden of choice on this man and to live with that if it didn't go right would be unbearable. Like can you imagine the sheer guilt he would have simply for breathing? I don't think I could handle that?



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